Upload. Organize. Simplify.

Instantly Connect to Zapier for Smarter, Automated Filing

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Zapier is great at collecting documents from anywhere ➡️
But not so good at organizing them.
Zapier is great at collecting documents, but not so good at organizing them

Zapier supports over 7,000 apps. So you can source your document from pretty much anywhere.

  • Upload a document from your computer
  • Connect to cloud storage like Google Drive or Dropbox
  • Automatically pull in documents from your email

But what happens after you collect the document? They go into one big pile that you need to manually sort through.

Add Savvy Folders to any Zap for easy filing ✔️
Automatically extract the document date so you don't have to manually file them.
Adding Savvy Folders to your Zap will automatically extract the document date for easy filing

It is as simple as adding the Savvy Folders step to your Zap to extract the document date.

This will allow you to automatically file your documents into folders. Removing the need to manually process the documents.

Ready to simplify your file management? Sign up for Savvy Folders and simplify your Zaps in minutes.

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How does Savvy Folders integrate with Zapier?

Just a few examples

Process your documents via email
Send documents via email to Zapier and have Savvy Folders automatically tag them with the date.
Example Zap for processing email attachements with Savvy Folders.

Zapier has great integration with email. By adding an email trigger, you will get your own personal email. You can then send documents to this email address and have Savvy Folders analyse them for the date. For instance, if you are filing invoices, you would extract the invoice date.

This date can be used for many things. In this example, we use a Formatter action to prepend the date to the filename and rename the file on Google Drive. This will allow you to easily order the documents and find the right one by date.

Try it out right away with this Zapier template.

If you want to get a taste of how this works, just try the tutorial. It will guide you through the process of setting up your first Zap with Savvy Folders.

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